The experience of South Africans during lockdown

The experience of South Africans during lockdown

At Harambee we are committed to keeping you safe, smart and kind. We’re producing a monthly digest of the most insightful articles on youth employment we’re reading, and have focused on the pieces we found to be most relevant and actionable. Time is scarce, so we’ve summarised the articles for you and shared our key takeaways.

Breaking Barriers November 2020

Breaking Barriers November 2020

In this edition of Breaking Barriers, we explore opportunities for digital and ICT work that are accessible to unemployed youth, and what barriers must be removed for this to be a viable solution at scale.

“Side hustle” is not a swear word: How to make gigs work for young Africans

“Side hustle” is not a swear word: How to make gigs work for young Africans

Across the African continent, the concept of a “side hustle” is not new. This article explores the informal ‘side’ work that young people engage in to make ends meet. Ir advocates that side hustles, given their increasing presence in lives (and economies) across the world, can no longer be relegated to the margins of institutional and regulatory systems.