Sharmi Surianarain discusses the “Right to Work or not to Work” on “Beyond a Declaration – What Rights Can Do” with Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung
In Article 13 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR), the right to work is clearly declared. It encompasses free choice of employment, just and favorable conditions, and protection against unemployment. But do these rights truly manifest in people’s lives? If not, how can we bridge the gap between declaration and reality?
Reversing the NEETs crisis: unlocking the next million opportunities at pace
As the QLFS is published this week, we must set it in the context of another recent publication from the national statistical office: the census.
Tipping the scales to equity: Not “jobs for the girls”, but employment systems that work for women
The past few months have demonstrated how multiple overlapping crises–post pandemic recovery, load-shedding and limited growth–can devastate labour market prospects for young people.
Betting on youth: how investing in inclusion can drive growth and shared prosperity
The past few months have demonstrated how multiple overlapping crises–post pandemic recovery, load-shedding and limited growth–can devastate labour market prospects for young people.