On 16 June, South Africa commemorates the Soweto youth uprising of 1976. Youth Day is a significant event for Harambee Youth Employment Accelerator, as it brings to the fore the work we do with young people to combat youth unemployment.

We have gathered the most informative interviews, articles, and media coverage from the day in this article. Click the links below to access the media:  

SABC 1 Expressions

Harambee’s Chief Engagement Officer, Zengeziwe Msimang, engages with Expressions on the importance of Youth Day and how SA Youth reduces the barriers for young people to work. 

Interview on 702 – The Money Show

Harambee’s Chief Impact Officer, Sharmi Surianarain, talks about betting on South African youth and how investing in inclusion can drive growth and shared prosperity.

Power FM Business interview

Harambee’s Chief Engagement Officer, Zengeziwe Msimang, engages with Power FM Business about the QLFS report and the impact of inclusive hiring.

Soweto TV interview

Harambee’s Head of Stakeholder Engagement, Anele Ngwenya, talks to Soweto TV about the barriers young people face in getting and keeping a job. The interview highlights some innovative solutions that Harambee and it’s partners are currently engaging on.

CNBC Power Lunch

Harambee’s Chief Engagement Officer, Zengeziwe Msimang, talks about glimmers of hope with CNBC’s Power Lunch. Highlighting SA Youth and the barriers that are being broken to help young people get jobs.

SAfm The Morning Bliss 

Harambee’s Enablement Facilitator, Thulisile Ndlovu, talks about falling inlove with the problem and not our solution, keeping young South African’s at the centre of everything Harambee does.

SAfm Jet Set Breakfast interview

Harambee’s Chief Engagement Officer, Zengeziwe Msimang, talks to Michelle Constant about SA Youth and how barriers are being broken to get our youth into the economy.


Harambee’s Head of Stakeholder Engagement, Anele Ngwenya, engages with YOU FM on solving youth unemployment through partnerships.

702 Breakfast with Bongani Bingwa

Harambee’s Chief Engagement Officer, Zengeziwe Msimang, talks to Bongani Bingwa about how to best prepare youth for employment.

Harambee’s Media Immersion

For Youth Month Harambee hosted a media immersion for journalists at our 19AM offices to share what we do, how we do it, and why it matters. 

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