SA Youth connects young people to work and employers to a pool of entry level talent.
Are you a work-seeker?
Are you an employer
Insights & Impact
At Harambee we are committed to keeping you safe, smart and kind. We’re producing a monthly digest of the most insightful articles on youth employment we’re reading, and have focused on the pieces we found to be most relevant and actionable. Time is scarce, so we’ve summarised the articles for you and shared our key takeaways.
Harambee in the News
In the COVID-19 crisis, social innovators and entrepreneurs, like Harambee, have once again shown their capacity to act as first responders, bringing affordable healthcare to those in need, protecting jobs and providing emergency relief swiftly.
Harambee in the News
At the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, with face-to-face services largely suspended, there was an unanticipated need to amplify government infrastructure through alternative channels that were accessible and affordable to its youth and other vulnerable citizens.
Harambee in the News
At Harambee we are committed to keeping you safe, smart and kind. We’re producing a monthly digest of the most insightful articles on youth employment we’re reading, and have focused on the pieces we found to be most relevant and actionable. Time is scarce, so we’ve summarised the articles for you and shared our key takeaways.
Harambee in the News
Of the three million job losses in South Africa as a result of Covid-19, two million were held by women. While the deck has always been stacked against women, Covid-19 exposes the staggering inequalities and barriers that women face in finding, and keeping, work.
Harambee in the News
Marzanne Collins is the chief information officer of Harambee Youth Employment Accelerator, here she talks about her love for analytics and her desire to see more women in technology.