SA Youth connects young people to work and employers to a pool of entry level talent.
Are you a work-seeker?
Are you an employer
Breaking Barriers
The past few months have demonstrated how multiple overlapping crises–post pandemic recovery, load-shedding and limited growth–can devastate labour market prospects for young people.
Harambee in the News
Impact-led organisations – and the social impact sector more broadly – are increasingly recognising that scaling a solution does not always result in systems change. Organisations can often scale direct interventions without addressing root causes, and in so doing, fail to disrupt the system as a whole. But systems change and scaling a solution can be concurrent and interlinked, and if impact-led organisations have the right funding, mindsets and support, they can successfully pursue both pathways to make a meaningful dent in societal problems.
Harambee in the News
Solutions Insights Lab was created through a partnership between the Skoll Foundation and Solutions Insights, informed by their shared interest in identifying and interrogating what’s working — and what’s not — in the field of social innovation.
Harambee in the News
Pervasive broadband infrastructure will allow more of the country’s youth to engage in the digitally enabled jobs of the future.
Harambee in the News
The way young people navigate the world of work is changing and shifting into the digital realm. This is unquestionably true at the global level, but it’s also happening right here in South Africa.
Knowledge & Research
This report estimates the size of the South African care economy through an analysis of the number of existing and potential future job opportunities in the sector. It also outlines the
potential impact of investment into the care economy including economic impact, impact on beneficiaries, and impact on the young people who could access the job opportunities
together with the broader societal impacts.