SA Youth connects young people to work and employers to a pool of entry level talent.
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Breaking Barriers
The past few months have demonstrated how multiple overlapping crises–post pandemic recovery, load-shedding and limited growth–can devastate labour market prospects for young people.
Harambee in the News
In October 2022 the Presidential Employment Stimulus reached the million-participant milestone. This report outlines the initiatives that form part of this plan of action, including the contributions of the SA Youth programme.
Harambee in the News
Harambee Youth Employment Accelerator featured as case study on societal thinking for Societal Platform Udemy course.
Harambee in the News
How experience is being converted to qualification for South African plumbers
Harambee in the News
The Financial Time’s interviews the philanthropist who has already helped distribute more than $65.6bn. Now she wants to pool resources with the world’s wealthiest to make systems change at massive scale.
Harambee in the News
Based on our recently-released Breaking Barriers report, Sharmi Surianarain, our chief impact offer writes in Daily Maverick about the optimism our youth face.