These are difficult times not only for you and your business but for your employees and their families. Below are some tips and guides that you can offer your employees to best manage their emotional well being and safety during the Lockdown and Coronavirus. 


With the surge of information around Covid19 and Lockdown, discerning what is relevant and accurate can be a challenging task.  Fake news is on the rise and regular updates to regulations and procedures from Government occur sometimes daily. 

With that in mind, providing accurate information to your staff can help them and you pivot your business in the direction it needs to go while keeping your employees ready and informed for how it may impact their lives.


  1. Create Whatsapp groups to discuss new information and ensure that the facts are being fact-checked at all times. ( resources like provide information as to how to do this. )
  2. Daily or Weekly Standup Calls – Using Zoom, you can have your entire staff base connect on a daily or weekly basis to discuss what their tasks are, how they’re impacted or to share vital information about the current situation. 


In some cases, teams are left with a lot of questions or time without having anything to do.  They can also receive a huge amount of fake-news of everything between false-home remedies or propaganda. 

However, this time is a great time to get your team focused on upskilling themselves to manage this new work environment or for when lockdown recedes and new demands would be made. 

  1. Provide online training for your team – Through various resources like Udemy, Skillshare, Kahn Academy and more, you can empower your team to learn new skills during this time. A more digital workplace is now upon us and upskilling in “Online Store Management”, “Sales CMS’s” and “Social Media Marketing” can help you keep your business going online. 
  2. Fake News Management – Empowering your team to be “fake-news-fighters” via access to resources can enable less fear and more calm during these uncertain times. 
  3. DIY Information – For those employee’s in areas with a lack of infrastructure, providing resources such as “Learn to make your own mask” or “How to make a Tippy Tap ( a hand washing device ) can create considerable impact to the health and safety of your team.   


One the many challenges caused by Covid19 and Lockdown is the impact on our people’s well-being and mental health.  Feelings of fear, anxiety and depression can easily take a difficult situation and make it much harder.

However providing a basic sense of connection, community and support can be provided through some easy steps.

  1. Reach out and keep in touch – Keeping in touch with each other regularly is a helpful way to keep people feeling connected to a community and each other. 
  2. Factor in how the challenges of remote working may impact your staff’s morale – Some staff may be forced to work in an environment with many other family members or while looking after children, sick or elderly. Talk about what factors may be impacting their ability to work and find collaborative and fair solutions. 
  3. Provide information about what may happen – With the amount of fake news and other media giving information, it can be difficult to manage the flow of information. When possible, try to give accurate and curated information about the current circumstances and how that may impact people’s work and lives. 
  4. Provide resources for support – For many, this is a very challenging time and may not have the resources to get support.  Various organizations are currently providing support such as Lifeline, SADAG and MOBIEG. Look below for more information. 
  5. Have a bit of fun – See if you can set up some fun events or tasks during this time. Online boardgames, Zoom parties, Quiz events and so on.  



Harambee is currently on a journey to provide accurate and relevant information to the youth and businesses during these difficult times via our 3 Million Youth Campaign. If you would like to partake in this initiative and interact/access South African youth, contact us here at

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