The Western Cape government recruits people for thousands of opportunities and needed help reaching and making these available to wider range of unemployed youth. They also needed to access efficient technology that could help them process thousands of applications for limited positions.

- SA Youth provided the Western Cape Government with a self-service mass recruitment solution that allowed them to make their opportunities visible to thousands more young people to apply for.
- Plus young people that applied but weren’t successful now had a view (through of other opportunities in their area that they could apply for.

The Western Cape Government team engaged in a collaborative partnership with SA Youth and became a lead user of the platform and in a short time transitioned to become self-service users. As early adopters they found the platform easy and user friendly for their teams to engage with. They soon became beta users – feeding back to the SA Youth team where improvements were needed. And as their recruiting requirements scale up the platform is evolving and growing to better support theirs and other large-scale projects.

Thousands of young people are able to access and apply for programmes that previously were not visible to them
- YearBeyond advertised for various roles and received almost 20,000 applicants. From these 2,072 young people have been placed so far.
- Premier’s Advancement of Youth (PAY) Programme has placed 492 young people in internships using the SA Youth platform after receiving almost 13,000 applications

“The quality of our applications is MUCH better because the volume of applicants is so much larger”
Pieter de Villiers, Head: Youth & After School Programme Office

“The SA Youth platform makes the application process easy as it is so user friendly”
Hannelie Kreuser, Director: People Empowerment, Department of the Premier
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