“Throw out the script and start fresh” was the consensus from the Daily Maverick panel discussing challenges around the business environment and the economy at publication’s The Gathering.

Our CEO Kasthuri Soni, shared the floor with Michael Jordaan, co-founder of Bank Zero, Mark Barnes, former chief executive of the South African Post Office and Tim Cohen, Business Maverick editor, in the conversation chaired by Business Maverick journalist Ray Mahlaka. Her thoughts: “Government and business alike need to keep the voices of the youth at the heart of everything they do. Remember that profit and purpose do not have to be mutually exclusive.”

Source: https://www.dailymaverick.co.za/article/2022-11-24-time-to-throw-the-rules-away-experts-agree-sa-must-modernise-business-models-infrastructure-to-revive-economy/. Published 24 November 2022.

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